Fallout 4

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Fallout 4

Messagede Efflam le Dim 02 Déc 2012 11:45:19

Fallout 4 verra bel et bien le jour.

Et il se confirme que l'action se déroulera à Boston (L'équipe de conception aurais même fait des recherches poussées sur l'histoire de la ville)

Le bémol on a pas encore de date.

Je propose ici pour les fans de la licence Fallout de s'échanger les données et renseignements glanés sur le net.

En tous cas vivement une date, moi je suis excité comme une pucelle en chaleur. :lol:



The rumor mill for video games has been busy this month, and the newest talk concerning the Fallout Franchise is that Fallout 4 will take place in Boston, or ‘the Commonwealth‘ in Fallout lore.

An anonymous Reddit user says that Bethesda has been scouting the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Anonymous user posted ‘The rumors are true, Fallout 4 will take place in Boston,” the user writes. “In case you haven’t heard, Bethesda has recently been scoping out and researching Boston. They also have a strong connection to MIT.’

And in lieu with the marvelous leaker from Bioware, the user explained that he ‘may or may not be an MIT employee,’ but that was all he or she could say for fear of losing his job.

You might be wondering why the Commonwealth might be considered as an awesome spot for the game. You might recall that in Fallout 3 there was a quest called ‘The Replicated Man’ where players encountered an NPC named Dr. Zimmer who described the Commonwealth as a ‘war-ravaged quagmire of violence and despair.’ But despite that, the Commonwealth has an impressive amount of lore associated with it, such as incredibly humanoid robots. I simply can’t wait to hear if these rumors are true or not!

Re: Fallout 4

Messagede Efflam le Dim 02 Déc 2012 12:00:57


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